
Welcome to my Diary!

A poem told by a fundraiser's heart

A poem told by a fundraiser's heart

Dear Diary,

As it has become tradition to end every year with a seasonal poem, here is a treat, enjoy; make sure to check out previous Seasonal Poems.

The most wonderous and swift response is but a dream.

It feels like a consistent cycle - you wait for their email, the call, pausing to check your calendar, looking at the time; minutes turn into hours, and hours into days and at any second, anything could happen.

“I sent the thank you notes, I made the calls, and I think we’ve really built a bond,” only thoughts race while patience dwindles and re-curls itself into a nervous lump in your throat that needs to be cleared. “I’ll hear back soon.” You know that you must eventually break your hopes, but now is not the time. The most pressing hour only consists of the wait which feels like a drawn- out pause, as a seat feels more and more uncomfortable, and an office desk seems to have less space as the day goes by.

“I knew I should have sent a birthday card last year, or, maybe I need to rethink my entire strategy.”

Only in moments of uncertainty do you remember missed opportunities.

Tick, tock, tick, tock…and just like that…things can change, yes, things can change.

“Hello, so, we’ve talked as a family have decided to accept this ask, we will make the pledge.” “This is wonderful news, thank you! I’ll send the paperwork for signatures immediately; we are so happy to partner with you and your family.”

A sharp ringing sound bursts through the moment and conversation, as daylight has welcomed your eyelids, and the morning sun reminds you that you’re beginning a new day. The alarm has to be turned off.

 A hopeful heart can always dream.

Happy Holidays everyone.

Until next time, January 15th!

The audacity of a fundraiser in 2021

The audacity of a fundraiser in 2021

Donor Cycle and Stages: Creating Plans that Include Psychological Well-Being Per Fundraising Stage